Integrity Funeral Care



3915 Dacoma St, Houston, TX, 77092, UNITED STATES


29.623423, -95.263634




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Integrity Funeral Care wants to make the process of planning end-of-life care elegantly simple. They provide affordable prices while offering the highest level of service. The location is more like an office, with a small chapel on-site. Because of the size of the facility, they specialize in cremations. The comfortable, soothing surroundings are ideal for families to say goodbye to the deceased and bond with fellow family members. The innovative, personalized funeral plans are specific to each family, with no request being turned away. If you would like to make pre-need plans, the attentive staff is always available to sit down and get your wishes on record. Integrity Funeral Care can help you plan for cremation services. Direct cremation is for you if you are not interested in a gathering service and would like to scatter the ashes or hold a private gathering. The facility has a small room for saying your final goodbye. Each cremation is performed respectfully and in strict adherence to protocols. Alternately, a public service for friends and family to attend to is available in cremation with a memorial service. In addition, the team can implement military honors and veteran services into the program through traditions like the playing of Taps. Life celebrations are a more modern way to plan a lighthearted, joyful event for your loved one. You may hold the event at an outdoor venue with a barbecue and open mic for guests to share memories. Your end-of-life service can be as unique as you would like it to be. There are no rules. Funeral products are a part of the planning process, with caskets, urns, vaults, and memorials available for purchase. Integrity Funeral Care can help Houston, Cypress, Tomball, Katy, Spring, The Woodlands, and Sugar Land families. In addition, the team can accommodate a transfer to other states and ship-in services. Integrity Funeral Care is available to start now on pre-planning funeral services. Their team is also familiar with planning for immediate-need arrangements and has the process down to an organized system, saving you unnecessary stress. Visit 3915 Dacoma St Ste E Houston, TX 77092, or call (713) 344-0764 to get started.