5100 Poplar Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee, 38137, UNITED STATES
35.111299351907704, -89.89227842662403
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HULSEY PC u2013 Patents & Trademarks: A very highly regarded IP & Patent practice providing lawyers and patent agents led by Bill Hulsey Patent Lawyer, who possesses 30+ years of patent law firm experience and expertise in patents, technology licenses and IP. HULSEY PC is dedicated to the economic vitalization of the South Central United States through securing for our clients top-quality, valuable patents, trademarks, and other IP legal rights using American and international legal systems and practices. Our practice serves the patent, trademark, and related intellectual property legal and business needs for startup and growing entrepreneurial companies. Possessing and daily demonstrating deep experience in energy, space technology, medical devices, electronics, software, Internet, chemical, materials, photonics, and consumer products.