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Garage Door and Locks Services provides valuable 24/7 locksmith services which cover virtually all lock situations. These could be locks of residential, commercial or automotive properties. We can even manufacture a special key for you in case you need one with a computer chip in it. Many cars these days require special keys like these or else they wonu00c3u00a2u00e2u201au00acu00e2u201eu00a2t function. Normally you could only get special keys from the original car dealers, but our locksmiths have the capability of creating a new special key for you right on the spot. That way you can get back in your car quickly without having to wait for the key to be mailed to you. We have doors all around us in our lives. There are doors in our cars, homes, offices and virtually every other piece of property. We keep these doors secure by installing locks in them. We are experienced with all forms of lock installations as well as alarm installations. When you hire us to perform your lock or alarm installation, you can be sure that it will be done with high quality and 100% customer satisfaction. So if you are in the area and you need a locksmith right away, then give us a call and weu00c3u00a2u00e2u201au00acu00e2u201eu00a2ll be out to service you at your location within 20 minutes. You can call us at any time of the day or night no matter what day it is, even holidays. We have been in the locksmith business for decades and we always work hard to give our customers an affordable price while still maintain a high-quality service. That is how weu00c3u00a2u00e2u201au00acu00e2u201eu00a2ve been able to stay in business for as long as we have. Call us Now! 9047825559 OR VISIT