12909 Brook Arbor Court, Pearland, TX, 77584, UNITED STATES
29.56619191836735, -95.4194056122449
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Ready to help buyers and sellers through the process from start to finish. Home buying is usually the largest financial transaction a person will make and I’m ready to be there every step of the way. I aim to make the process smooth and stress-free by knowing the ins and outs of the entire process. I’m incredibly outgoing and friendly but also very smart and quirky (kind of a nerd). I’ve been in Pearland for 14 years and I’ve seen it change immensely in that time. My three kids have been raised here. I’ve coached their soccer teams. For the last 6 years I’ve been teaching Zumba and HIIT classes at a local gym. I have so much fun with social media. I’ve got 25,000 followers on TikTok. It’s a fun way to express myself and bring in some new clients. People that I didn’t realize were watching will tell me they enjoy my videos. People tend to enjoy my vibrant glasses and it’s become something I’m known for.